Roeg Gone Rogue: DON'T LOOK NOW (1973)

By The Miniplex (other events)

Saturday, December 8 2018 6:00 PM 8:00 PM PDT

We'd like to revive the forgotten December folk custom of telling ghost stories (think Dickens, but going back centuries), and our first offering is from one of our favorite directors, Nicolas Roeg, who passed away this November 23rd. Making it into the upper echelons of most major Top 50 and Top 100 lists of cinema including "#1 Best British Films of All Time" in Time Out's esteemed list, this groundbreaking psychological thriller was adapted from a novella by Daphne Du Maurier, whose short story “The Birds” inspired the Hitchcock movie. We'll be screening the beautifully restored hi-resolution version, for just $5 per ticket. A rare treat on the big screen, and you won't find this one on Netflix!

Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie portray recently bereaved parents John and Laura, who go on a trip to Venice, Italy in an attempt to get away from their grief. Laura finds comfort with a blind clairvoyant who gives her messages from beyond, while skeptical John works on restoring an old church and ignores the omens brought on by his own psychic powers. Rated R, 110 minutes.

"It's a ghost story; it's a meditation on time, memory and the poignancy of married love. And it's a masterpiece." - The Guardian

"Unraveling the cliched, romantic myth of Venice, 'Don’t Look Now' employs the maze-like alleyways and pitch-black waters of the popularly blissful, happy gondola town as a sort of living embodiment of the unfathomably tangled web of neuropathways that exist deep in the abyss of the subconscious mind." - Esquire

"'Don't Look Now' uses the occult and the inexplicable as Henry James did: to penetrate the subconscious, to materialize phantoms from the psyche." - TIME

***NO FREE PASSES for this screening, thank you.

***Please note that NO OUTSIDE DRINKS OR FOOD are allowed inside Richards' Goat Tavern & The Miniplex for legal reasons and violators of this rule may be banned from the theatre permanently. Cocktails, non-alcoholic beverages, popcorn, and cookies are available at the bar. If you are interested in one of our hot food specials, please show up at least 30 minutes early to finish it in the bar area, as hot food and glass is not allowed inside the dark theatre for your safety. Thank you, see you at the movies!